"Devastated by a sudden break-up, young actress Maddie needs a getaway from campus to help mend her broken heart. Her best friend lands her a role in the student slasher flick shooting this weekend at a camp deep in the Virginia forest. It's the perfect place to unwind, but no matter how far into the woods she goes, her problems keep sneaking up behind her.
"Devastated by a sudden break-up, young actress Maddie needs a getaway from campus to help mend her broken heart. Her best friend lands her a role in the student slasher flick shooting this weekend at a camp deep in the Virginia forest. It's the perfect place to unwind, but no matter how far into the woods she goes, her problems keep sneaking up behind her.
"Devastated by a sudden break-up, young actress Maddie needs a getaway from campus to help mend her broken heart. Her best friend lands her a role in the student slasher flick shooting this weekend at a camp deep in the Virginia forest. It's the perfect place to unwind, but no matter how far into the woods she goes, her problems keep sneaking up behind her.