Chinese American Bear is a C-pop duo,
currently based in Seattle, who create eclectic
bilingual (English/Chinese) ear candy.
Composed of married couple Bryce Barsten and
Anne Tong, the pair make music that blends
Chinese mando-pop and the Western indie pop
canon, writing songs that flit between English
and Mandarin, capturing a spirit of cross-cultural
joy and longing, that is often poignant while
never losing its sense of fun.
They’ve been described as if The Flaming Lips,
Dusty Springfield, and The Beach Boys had a
baby with Care Bear. The album is full of
comedy, groove, quirk, and cuteness with
melodically rich instrumentation, bits of
psychedelia, doses of funk, and a lot of lyrics
about filling up your belly with food. The duo
explain: “Wah!!! isn’t really about anything in
particular. We like that. We like to write what